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Transformational Initiative for Community Development

will grow into a national humanitarian Christian organization with the view of enhancing community life through the practice of good holistic development

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Field Visit/Vision trip to the Project Site: Come and appreciate work and learn more about the mission through the vision trip. Sponsor a Woman

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We believe in the empowerment processes, which are mutually established on an empowerment, which co-powers each side. 



Any choice organization and programming have credibility if the people governing such an entity are people full of honesty and truthfulness. This is where the being of staff, board of directors’ matters.



People are the primary building blocks of any community. Transformed peoples are change agents of any community. The Chinese Proverb say, if you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go with people.  




We strongly belief in holistic Christian values of doing development enshrined.


There is power in partnership and networking for development. In fact, collaboration structures at all levels of operations will be encouraged.  


Attributing to good practices and continuous improvement of our work.


:  Being a Christian organization prayer is our springboard for the success of our work. (Luke 18:1-2)