What We Do

What TICODE does

TICODE is currently piloting work in Kasungu, Mphomwa whose scope of growth is:


About TICODE:  We are a Christian local humanitarian organization seeking to build the capacity of the local church and community towards breaking the vicious cycle of poverty of the marginalised. 



We envisage: A resilient Malawi/communities where social cohesion results into vibrant communities able to transform their own lives holistically



Co-powerment: We believe in the empowerment processes, which are mutually established on an empowerment, which co-powers each side.


Our Services


Transformational Initiative for Community Development-will grow into a national humanitarian Christian organization with the view of enhancing community life through the practice of good holistic development. We believe in the development that transforms the community and brings resilience, as communities move from dependency development towards independent development. Generally speaking, experience of doing development work in Malawi entails that development in many aspects is hindered by people’s beliefs (culture) therefore understanding the underpinning beliefs of any given community through a proper framework is very critical as it creates more room for listening, and addressing the issue of contextualization and collaboration. It is out of this framework; we need to thrive and contribute towards eradicating poverty. As we contribute to SDG 1, ending poverty we would love also to contribute to our nation to move from 160 out 182 countries (UNDP) in matters of Human Development Index. We are existing to be the intersection between poverty and wellbeing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


TICODE is currently piloting work in Kasungu, Mphomwa whose scope of growth is:


Church Engagement:   We engage Churches through an empowerment process thus catalyzing them into supercharged change agents who have a Searchers mind.  


They form Church Networks who provide structures to operate within the designated zone for development called Church Empowerment Area. (CEA).  The program thrives on Transformational Development

24/7 Customer Support

Child Development:  Parenting, Care for Child development, case management, Community Based Child Care Centres management, After School Programs, & child sponsorships/family sponsorship.

Risk Management

Microfinance & Agriculture for Development:  Women empowerment programs through microfinance and Agriculture.

Risk Management

Health & Nutrition:  Focuses on Scaling up Nutrition, Covid 19, and HIV& AIDS.